VCA Kittiewan Plantation Reminder and Sign-up

Originally Published: April 4, 2019

Hi all,

Join us this Sunday (4/7) for the April meeting at Kittiewan Plantation. Kittiewan is the headquarters of the Archaeological Society of VA, and they’re going to give us a tour of the house and the Civil War archaeology of the site.

It looks like it’s going to be a lovely Spring afternoon! Don’t forget comfy walking shoes and sign-up using the link below:

The address is below. Once you turn off of off 619, keep following the road until the very end. You will see the original house on your left and a modern house (the visitors’ center) on your right. The road is unpaved, so exercise caution.

Kittiewan Plantation

12104 Weyanoke Rd

Charles City County, VA 23030

Hope to see you all there!

Lesley Haines
Programs Co-chair


Spring Field Trip to Virginia’s Horse Country


January Meeting: “Tenacity” Exhibit, Jamestown Settlement